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Owatonna Steele County Amateur Radio | 05-Jun-2015 |
Rapid Response Team The Southern Region of the American Red Cross (ARC), in collaboration with Minnesota ARES, is working to increase the number of ham radio operators within its group of volunteers. We are working to integrate amateur radio into each of the Chapters in the Southern Region to improve Red Cross preparedness and ability to respond to local disasters. The goal is to have Rapid Response Teams (RRT), consisting of at least two Amateur Radio operators, in each of the Counties served by the SE MN ARC Region:
RRT members will be credentialed by the ARC. ARC credentials are required to serve the ARC within an ARC facility. RRT members will be contacted and activated directly by the ARC. The RRT does not operate as part of the ARES or RACES organizations. The requirements to qualify as an RRT member are:
To become an ARC volunteer: Submit an online Volunteer Application. Once you submit your application, you will receive an automated email to activate your new ARC Volunteer Account. Once you activate your ARC Volunteer Account:
Required training includes:
The current schedule for the required DST101 webinars and the ARC Rochester Rapid Response Course is below. RRT members may take other available Red Cross Courses, of their choosing, by completing course prerequisites and registering with the Southern MN Region Chapter Training Coordinator. There is no charge to take any of the ARC courses.
Additional contact information: